Saturday, September 30, 2017

What I Read: September 2017

The Body Artist
Written by: Don DeLillo
How I read it: Paperback
Why I read it: I felt drawn to it in a used bookstore and then realized that I've seen a movie based on another DeLillo book, Cosmopolis, and the movie was so atmospheric, grim, and surreal that I figured I'd find the same in his writing, which appealed to me.
One-sentence review: I'm not sure what to say about this novella, other than it is short, ungrammatical in an acceptable way, unsettling and eerie, beautiful at times, and made me feel sad.
My rating: 4/5 ghosts

On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft
Written by: Stephen King
Narrated by: Stephen King (so wonderful to hear him talk about his childhood in his own voice)
How I read it: OverDrive Audiobook
Why I read it: I've been thinking lately how much I'd like to be a professional writer, and a couple different friends have mentioned liking this book. Plus, I've never read a Stephen King book, but I figured someday I should, and this was the only one that appealed to me.
One-sentence review: This book made me want to write more, read more, and live more bravely, so I think that makes it a worthwhile read.
My rating: 5/5 rejection letters

Ajax Penumbra 1969
Written by: Robin Sloan
Narrated by: Ari Fliakos
How I read it: OverDrive Audiobook
Why I read it: Because I always try to read the prequel before the original.
One-sentence review: This is a fun little backstory that provides sentimental flavor for some of the less likable characters in Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore, and it is an enjoyable mini-mystery in its own right.
My rating: 5/5 buried ships

Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore
Written by: Robin Sloan
Narrated by: Ari Fliakos (One of the best, most talented narrators I've come across. He was perfect for this role, and I loved this book extra because of what Ari gave to the story.)
How I read it: OverDrive Audiobook (Quick note: besides the fabulous narration, it is especially appropriate to listen to this book, for reasons you'll discover if you do so.)
Why I read it: Because every literary-themed blog I follow recommends this book, and it keeps coming up in every "Recommended Reads" list in my life, so I finally gave in.
One-sentence review: "YES YES YES READ THIS NOW" is what I am thinking right now, because this book is everything wonderful about books, about people who love books, about the delightful and inspiring spaces where books live, and about the future of books and the technology that allows us to preserve and appreciate stories in new ways.
My rating: 5/5 secret societies

Written by: Henry David Thoreau
How I read it: Paperback
Why I read it: I hadn't had any Thoreau in my life in a while and I missed him. He was my friend who kept me from loneliness when I moved out of my parents' house and into my own apartment when I was 18. Also, I think I read this back in high school for English class, or at least a selection of it, but couldn't quite remember whether I had ever fully enjoyed it.
One-sentence review: I'm not sure I agree with Thoreau that "all good things are wild and free" but I absolutely believe that it is good to be free and beautiful to be wild, and this book made me feel that I am, or can be, both of those things.
My rating: 5/5 saunterers

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